Our Vision
The goal of the Individualized Residential Services we offer is to support people with developmental disabilities to live as independently as possible while meeting physical, emotional, cultural, and social needs. We allow people opportunities for control in their lives, having the preferences and capabilities of the person guide the process allowing for daily choices and a choice in housemates.
What are Residential Services?
Services may include supports in housekeeping, budgeting, nutritional meal planning / cooking, home safety, shopping, medical care, community access, volunteer activities, and building and maintaining relationships.
Who Can Get Residential Services?
To be considered eligible a person must have a referral and approved funding. If you are uncertain of approved funding, please contact your service coordinator.
Funding and support for Endless Options, Inc is provided by The Missouri Division of Development Disabilities, The Howard County Sheltered Services Board, the Fayette Area Common Fund, the Fayette Area Community Trust, and private donations and fundraising efforts by the wonderful people of our community.